Monday, June 11, 2007

I've Been Tagged

I'm taking up Cynthia's challenge to post 8 random things about myself:

1. I usually wake up at 5 a.m. to the sound of birds singing / chirping / chattering. It's quite a cacophony, and I enjoy it.
2. On many Sundays, I sleep till noon. I don't know why I seem to need to do that, nor how my body "knows" it's Sunday.
3. I dislike make-up and never wear any.
4. Often when I come home, I leave the mail in the mailbox and grab it in the morning instead. In the morning, I can deal with things. By the time I return home at the end of the day, I just want to hide.
5. When I'm not thinking of anything in particular, my mind keeps busy by counting. I often catch it counting. Often to song.
6. Deadlines. Give me a deadline and I'm all action. No deadline? You have a long wait. Alas.
7. There are monkeys in my house. Also robots, a wizard, a Mr. Spock doll, and a big stuffed grinning Hershey's Kiss.
8. My eyes are blue.

This is part of an ongoing Meme. The rules of the Meme are:

1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves
2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules
3. At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Like Cynthia, I don't have 8 people to tag. Let's see ... who do I know?

Marianne G

and a couple of folks who don't have blogs. Well, John has, but not one appropriate for tagging:


Well, maybe someone will drop by and post their 8.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Fun to read your list. I especially liked all the things in your house. Sounds like a fun place to be.